
BSc courses:

41102 Hydrodynamics 1
Introduction to hydraulics and its application within civil and environmental engineering.

41312 Basic fluid mechanics
A theoretical background for formulation and solution of flow problems within mechanical and energy engineering.

46000 Introduction to Wind Energy
To establish a basic and rational understanding of wind energy, and to introduce to the primary scientific disciplines applied in wind energy.

10467 Experimental Methods and Instrumentation in Physics (3 week course)

MSc courses:

10337 Theoretical microfluidics
The course introduces advanced theoretical topics in the field of microfluidics, i.e., the dynamics of viscous fluid flows at the sub-millimetre scale under the influence of different physical forces

10346 Continuum physics
The aim of the course is to give the student a basic understanding of the physics of spatially extended media consisting of solid materials, liquids, and gasses. The course can be regarded as a natural extension of classical mechanics (including thermodynamics/statistical mechanics) or be the basis for more specialized studies in elasticity, hydrodynamics, microfluidics, biophysics, and complex systems.

10400 Plasma Physics
An introduction to the physics of plasmas, including gas kinetic and fluid dynamic modelling. The course provides a foundation for advanced studies of fusion plasmas, astrophysical plasmas, and process plasmas for a wide range of industrial processes.

41111 Hydrodynamics 2
The basis for treatment of a number of hydrodynamic and hydraulic engineering problems, e.g., in relation to projects in rivers, on coasts or offshore.

41129 Turbulent flows
Theory of the flow processes in turbulent boundary layers and diffusion/dispersion processes in turbulent flows

41315 Applied CFD
Introduction to CFD with focus on practical application in a commercial CFD code.

41316 Advanced CFD
Perform and analyse complex flow phenomena in commercial CFD code

41317 Computational Fluid Dynamics
Develop your own finite volume CFD code in MATLAB for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

41320 Advanced fluid mechanics
Fundamental manipulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. Analytical solutions and approximations to a range of fluid problems.

41321 Complex flows
Flow with involving several physical phenomena: multiphase flows, compressible flow, transfer at surfaces.

41822 Experimental fluid mechanics
3-weeks course, introduction to modern measuring techniques for determining flow velocity, pressure, forces etc.

46100 Introduction to Micrometeorology for Wind Energy
Gives a general understanding of the physics of atmospheric turbulence and wind resources.

46110 Basic Aerodynamics
An introduction to aerodynamics, including airfoil and wing theory, conformal mapping, viscous-invisicd interaction, and propeller theory.

46300 Wind Turbine Technology and Aerodynamics
General introduction to the aerodynamics and aero-elastic behaviour of modern wind turbines, and the physics related to the siting of wind turbines.

46600 Aeroacoustics
Understanding phenomena related to rotor aeroacoustics and noise, including generation and propagation of acoustic waves, and noise perception.

01617 Dynamical systems 1
An introduction to the modern theory of non-linear dynamics with a rigorous mathematical flavor. Applications in various sciences are also included.

01621 Advanced Dynamical Systems: Global Theory
A follow-up course to 01617. While 01617 focuses on local dynamics, this course gives a theoretical and an applied view on global dynamics. The course is an ideal background for students who want to write a Master's thesis on a problem where non-linear dynamics is relevant. Can be taken in parallel with 01622.

01622 Advanced Dynamical Systems: Applications in Science and Engineering
Another follow-up course to 01617, focusing on a broad range of applications in various disciplines. Also an ideal background for students who want to write a Master's thesis on a problem where non-linear dynamics is relevant. Can be taken in parallel with 01621.

10350 Numerical studies in physics (3 weeks course)

PhD courses:

41391 High Performance Computing: FORTRAN, OpenMP and MPI. (3 week course)

41392 Journal club in fluid mechanics
The course will consist of oral presentations by the students of scientific papers in international journals. The goals, results and conclusions shall be presented, and a critical review of methods and results shall be presented.

10514 Summer school “Complex motion in fluids”
The coming one (2020) is in Twente