Niels Jørgen Gimsing | Professor Emeritus | DTU Construct | | |
Maria Gindesgaard | Dyreassistentelev | DTU Health Tech | | |
Esteban Gaston Gioria | Postdoc | DTU Physics | | |
Garry Paul Gippert | Senior Officer | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Marcel Girard | PhD student | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Bastien Giraud | PhD Student | DTU Wind | | |
Henrik Gislason | Emeritus | DTU Aqua | | |
Eli Qvam Gitlesen | Management Secretary | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 35 88 50 33 | |
Eleftheria Gitsouli | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Luisa Giuliani | Associate Professor | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 18 12 | |
Lena Gjedde | Økonomimedarbejder | ADM5 | Via Teams | |
Caroline Victoria Bratsbjerg Gjelstrup | Postdoc | DTU Aqua | | |
Clara Wethje Gjerløv | Hjælpelærer | DTU Wind | | |
Kyriaki Gkaliou | Industrial PostDoc | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Foteini Gkika | Research Assistant | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Gitte Gladding | Specialkonsulent | ADM4 | +45 45 25 72 23 | |
Peter Glarborg | Professor | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 45 25 28 40 | |
Anne Glavind | Studentermedhjælper | DTU Chemistry | | |
Maria Tammelin Gleerup | Special advisor | ADM5 | +45 61 69 55 04 | |
Ronan Gleeson | PhD student | DTU Energy | +45 52 65 87 74 | |
Emily Urvi Glegg-Sørensen | Laboratory Technician | DTU Bioengineering | +45 41 29 23 36 | |
Gildas Glemarec | Researcher | DTU Aqua | | |
Henrik Glenner | Guest Professor | DTU Aqua | | |
Lasse Glente | Hjælpelærer | DTU Physics | | |
Marvin Glissner | Industrial PhD | DTU Sustain | 00491732889186 | |
Christiane Ursula Glitz | PhD Student | DTU Biosustain | 004593510994 | |
Alberte Holm Glob | Chefkonsulent | AFRI | +45 93 51 05 11 | |
Charlotte Christine Gloerfelt-Tarp | Undervisningsassistent | DTU Engineering Technology | | |
Amanda Neena Glyb | Kommunikationsmedarbejder | AKM | | |
Alexander Gmeiner | Research Assistant | DTU National Food Institute | | |
Peter Gockel | PhD Student | DTU Biosustain | | |
Paulina Godlewska | Postdoc | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Anna Gohlke | Student Assistant | DTU Sustain | | |
Claus Gohr | Projektøkonomi og kontrakthåndtering | IT Service | +45 35 88 82 08 | |
Nertila Gojani | EU Coordinator | DTU Aqua | +45 93 51 02 40 | |
Nasim Golafshan | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | | |
Steffen Goletz | Professor | DTU Bioengineering | +45 93 51 05 07 | |
Raju Gollangi | Postdoc | DTU Energy | +45 55 20 65 61 | |
Magdalena Golofit | PhD student | DTU Space | | |
Atefeh Hemmati Golsefidi | Postdoc | DTU Management | | |
Vahid Golshani | Ph.D. Student | DTU Wind | +45 20 62 96 32 | |
Christian Goltermann | Research Technician | DTU Energy | +45 21 36 27 42 | |
Per Goltermann | Professor | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 16 84 | |
Daisy Elizabeth Gomersall | Development engineer | DTU Energy | +45 93 51 12 22 | |
Sean Gomes | Systemudvikler | IT Service | +45 93 51 11 44 | |
Giovana Monteiro Gomes | Researcher | DTU Construct | | |
Romana-Isolina Gonzales | Laboratory service assistant | DTU National Food Institute | | |
Maria Serra Gonzalez | PhD student | DTU Nanolab | | |
Paula Gonzalez | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | | |
Laura Sofia Machado Gonzalez | Research Assistant | DTU Biosustain | +45 55 21 87 22 | |
Manuel Jesús Fernández González | Research Assistant | DTU Electro | +45 71 56 10 75 | |
Jesús Oswaldo Villarreal González | Ingeniørassistent | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 20 12 33 59 | |
Oscar Puiggené González | PhD student | DTU Biosustain | | |
Rafael Gonçalves-Araujo | Researcher | DTU Aqua | +45 22 15 78 79 | |
Estelle Maria Goonesekera | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Shubham Gopal | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | | |
Goran Goranovic | Senior Researcher | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 30 95 | |
Anastasia Gorlenko | PhD student | DTU Sustain | +45 45 25 14 78 | |
Nicolau Conti Gost | Research Assistant | DTU Wind | | |
Petre-Flaviu Gostin | Coatings Characterisation Specialist | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 93 51 11 52 | |
Charlotte Held Gotfredsen | Associated Professor | DTU Chemistry | +45 20 65 09 42 | |
Niels Gottlieb | Laboratory Engineer | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 18 66 | |
Erik Gottschalk | PhD Student | DTU Electro | | |
Pierre Alexandre Gourbin | Postdoc | DTU Space | | |
Angel Hurtado Gozalo | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | | |
Kristoffer Visti Graae | /DTU Link | DTU Skylab | +45 25 35 96 19 | |
Sophie Katharina Gradinaru | PhD Student | DTU Bioengineering | | |
Daniel Gradman-Svendsen | Udvikler | Arcanic | | |
Thomas Graeser | Head of Office | IT Service | +45 42 47 18 20 | |
Rebecca Graf | HR Consultant | ADM3 | +45 93 51 10 63 | |
Matthew Robert Graham | Programmer | AFRI | +45 31 96 48 93 | |
Lone Gram | Professor | DTU Bioengineering | +45 23 68 82 95 | |
Sanne Gram-Nielsen | Head of Centre | DTU Health Tech | +45 91 37 00 90 | |
Maya Gram-Nielsen | Student Assistant | DTU Health Tech | | |
Laura Stentoft Grand | PhD Student | DTU Health Tech | | |
Efren Fernandez Grande | Associate Professor | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 39 40 | |
Anastasia Josephine H Grandt | Specialist | ADM3 | +45 93 51 05 06 | |
Rune Sixten Grass | Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | +45 42 28 00 68 | |
Sara Grassi | Research Assistant | DTU Biosustain | | |
Tim Aidan Graulich | PhD Student | DTU Management | | |
Marlene Borup Graverholt | Laboratory Technician | DTU Aqua | | |
Jens Karl Gravesen | Associate Professor | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 30 64 | |
Flavia Gravina | Research Assistant | DTU National Food Institute | | |
Nigel Sjölin Grech | PhD Student | DTU Health Tech | | |
Amelia Ann Green | Copenhagen Bioscience PhD Programme Coordinator | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 56 53 62 | |
Anne Bank Greenfield | Teamleder og PA | IT Service | +45 93 51 89 73 | |
Arvid Klein Gregersen | Usability specialist | Arcanic | | |
Kim Joao de Jesus Gregersen | Postdoc | DTU Aqua | +45 51 64 74 80 | |
Heidi Gregersen | Event coordinator | AFRI | +45 45 25 73 16 | |
Sally Gregersen | Project Manager – Student Innovation | DTU Skylab | +45 93 51 11 94 | |
Martin Gregersen | | IT Service | | |
Rasmus Høgh Gregersen | Hjælpelærer | DTU Management | | |
Niels Gregersen | Group Leader, Professor | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 37 89 | |
Jakub Gregorek | PhD Student | DTU Electro | | |
Victor Gregorio | Postdoc | DTU Energy | | |
Jonas Greiner | Postdoc | DTU Chemistry | | |
Tetiana Gren | Microbial Cell Factory Engineer | DTU Biosustain | +45 93 51 07 61 | |
Lubica Greplova | Analyst | DTU Construct | | |
Thomas Rodriguez Greve | Professor | DTU Space | +45 45 25 96 88 | |
Petrine Riis Greve | Akademisk medarbejder | AFRI | +45 93 51 89 65 | |