Fluid•DTU seminar, 11:00 Tuesday, 05 Feb 2008, Bldg. 306 Aud. 38

Application of PSP and TSP for determination of the pressure and temperature field of aircraft models in wind tunnels


Christian Klein

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt




Visualization and quantitave measurement of aerodynamic effects on several aircraft models have been conducted using an optical pressure measurement system, based on the pressure-sensitive paint (PSP) technique. The PSP technology not only provides a good understanding of the flow topology around a wind tunnel model, but can be used to carry out absolute pressure measurements on a surface of the model and to determine additional aerodynamic data such as loads on it as well.

The identification of laminar-turbulent boundary layer transition on models in wind tunnels yields essential information for the design of modern wings.

Among other techniques, transition detection can be done using the temperature-sensitive paint (TSP) technique.