Organizers & sponsors

Niels Bohr Visiting Professor Hassan Aref, Technical University of Denmark 


Professor Tomas Bohr, Department of Physics


Professor Henrik Bruus, Department of Micro and Nanotechnology

Professor Morten Brøns, Department of Mathematics 
Professor Ole Hassager, Department of Chemical Engineering 
Professor Jens Nørkær Sørensen, Department of Mechanical Engineering




The five departments in FluidDTU 

Department of Chemical Engineering

Department of Mathematics

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Micro and Nanotechnolgy

Department of Physics


Funding to the Complex Motion in Fluids Summer School 2007 is given by

the Danish National Science Foundation (Danmarks Grundforskingsfond) 

includes support for a Niels Bohr Visiting Professorship for Professor Hassan Aref (follow the link and look under Activities).