Preliminary Programme

For the preliminary programme click here 

For the final Book of Abstracts click here





Titles of talks by invited speakers  


Hassan Aref:

1. Vortex Patterns

2. A Tutorial on Point Vortex Dynamics


John W. Bush:

1. Surface tension

2. Surface tension in biology


Christophe Clanet:

1. Flows in animal physiology

2. Flows in plant physiology 


Robert Deegan:

1. Particle suspensions I

2. Particle suspensions II


Bruno Eckhardt:

1. Turbulence in pipe flows I

2. Turbulence in pipe flows II


Michelle Holbrook:

1. Fluid motion in plants

2. Sugar transport in plants


Thomas Kiørboe:

1. Marine plankton I

2. Marine plankton II                        


Sumitha Pennathur:

1. Electrokinetic nanofluidics                                                                                        

2. Nanofluidic biotechnology


Jane Wang:

1. Insect flight I

2. Insect flight II




Articles by invited speakers                                    

Tentative plan for contributed talks 
(Talk for 13 min, questions for 5 min)


Monday 11:00 – 12:30 (vortices)

01. Rønby (20)

02. Vlachakis (14)

03. Schnipper (21)

04. Seddon (12)

05. Tophøj (39)


Tuesday 11:00 – 12:30 (plants and membranes)

06. Rojas (23)

07. Jordan (43) 

08. Hartvig Jensen (22)

09. Czerwinska (17) 

10. Ditlevsen (32)



Wednesday 1100 – 12:30 (nanofluidics)

11. Hansen (25)

12. Frey (38)

13. Bækbo Andersen (24)

14. Okkels (28)

15. ?


Thursday 11:00 – 12:30 (swimming)

16. Baars (27)

17. Gonzalez-Rodriguez (11)

18. Larsen (6)

19. Borrero (31)

20. Wiklund (5)


Friday 11:00 – 12:30 (drops)

21. Sumesh (1)

22. Bonnoit (0)

23. Eddi (3)

24. Pucci (9)

25. Tchieu (4)


Friday 17:00 – 18:00 (miscellaneous)

26. Tsai (13)

27. Ramaioli (7)

28. Barnkob (18)

29. Widloski (8)