The location of the summer school is in Humlebæk, 35 km north of Copenhagen
The address is:
Krogerup Højskole
Krogerupvej 13
3050 Humlebæk
Tel: +45 4919 0380
If you arrive before the start of the Summer School you will not be able to check into the Krogerup Højskole and therefore need to spend a night (or two) in Copenhagen. You will have to make your own arrangements for this, but a couple of reasonably priced suggestions are:
Hotel CabInn City - situtated close to the Central Station (Hovedbanegården).
Danhostel Copenhagen City - this hostel is very popular and within walking distance of the Central Station.
It is important for us to stress that Krogerup Højskole is NOT a hotel. That is, you stay in a shared room (with one or more), the rooms are without a seperate bathroom, but there is a sink in each room and several toilets and bathrooms w. showers are situated on each level. The meals are served in a common dining room where you are expected to clear your plates and utensils after finishing your meal. The atmosphere is very relaxed and friendly.
The main building of Krogerup is a classic mansion dating back from 1776. Today part of the buildings south of the main building are working as an ecological farm. The whole area is surrounded by fields and forest. Easy hiking/running trails cross the area. Therefore, bring your running out-fit, if you would like to join Professors Bruus and Bohr for an active run in the mornings. And also bring your swimming outfits if you are brave enough to go for a swim - the beach is within 10 minutes walk.
At the coast within easy walking distance (7-10 min) is the world famous Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and nearby the Humlebæk Marina. Also an other interesting collection close by is the Nivågaardsamlingen with several famous Rembrandt paintings. Also worth seeing is Karen Blixen's House in Rungsted.
Other sightseeing points in the area of North Sealand are Kronborg Slot (Hamlet’s castle) and Frederiksborg Slot (former royal residence, now museum), Fredensborg Slot (summer residence for the royal family) and the beautiful countryside in North Sealand. Finally, Copenhagen is within a 40 min train ride.
Map of Krogerup Højskole and surroundings (for larger map, click on map):